Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I came, I dove, I conquered...the Ultra Pool!

No, that's not me in the picture. :-)

Yesterday, after an early morning run training of 4x1000, 2x500, 2K warm-up and 3K cool down ( 10K total ), I didn't have the desire to go to work. I just wanted  to stay at home and relax a bit. Too much work just stresses me up, and I thought I needed a breather and what would be a better way than spending it at home with my family.

After having breakfast and taking a shower, I took a nap. 15 minutes were all I needed to re-energize for the day.

At around 10 a.m., I was feeling restless. I just couldn't stay sedentary for more than an hour. My wife noticed it and asked me what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to swim. She said no problem, I just had to drop them off at Tiendesitas and pick them up after my swim. It sounded like a good way for both of us to get our fixes for the with my swim and she, on her window shopping wants. :-)

So at exactly 1 p.m., we got into the car, and sped off to our destinations.

Got at the Ultra around 1:30 p.m., changed clothes and dove into the pool.

Coming from a good swim workout last Saturday, I wanted to cross the 50-meter pool without a pull buoy or a kickboard this time around. So, without any delay, I tried.

Got short by around 10 meters on my first attempt and almost the same distance on my 2nd try. In resting, I tried to analyze my swim. 

"I am not relaxed!" I thought. That's why I struggled upon hitting the 30-meter mark.

I readied myself for my 3rd attempt. I visualized the other end of the pool and went off.

I relaxed my kick, and pulled with my arms with more force so I'd have a good pace. I was breathing welland relaxed this time around and before I knew it, I could see the "T" at the swimming pool floor...yes! I crossed it, finally!

I was so happy to have done it and wondered if it was pure luck or just a  one-time achievement. I tried again going back...and crossed it again.

It became easier for me to cross the 50-meter pool in the succeeding laps. I adjusted my breathing, stroking and kicking to my most comfortable level and was able to decrease my intervals from one-minute rests to 30 seconds in between laps. I was so happy that I did 40 50-meter laps in the duration of the work out, the last 4 laps of which were with only 15-second rests in between.

I did it, I conquered the Ultra Pool, and I'm so damn happy about it. :-)

Deo P.


  1. Great news Deo! keep it up!
    2k is an amazing distance.
    more than what is required
    for cam sur.

    knew you could do it. congrats!


  2. Hey Deo, congratulations on your swim. Ang sarap ng feeling, 'no? You will only get stronger, faster. Actually your endurance is already strong with all the 2K worth of swim intervals you have been doing. You are right - you just have to relax a bit. I foresee a swim monster in the making.

  3. MJ/Rico/Ian:

    Thanks very much guys for dropping by. Yeah, I was really ecstatic with how I swam last Tuesday. Sarap nga ng feeling Rico, para akong nanalo sa hueteng! haha Kitakits guys, daming karera this year.

    God bless!

    Deo P.
